It's been happening for years. I have been completing tasks and obtaining new levels while being completely unable to conceive of what was occurring. I would take on opportunities and more opportunities would arise. I would ask the universe for what I needed, wanted and desired and it would appear. I lived a life of abundance and then....
After the birth of my beautiful humans I lost my way, my power and my identity. One day I was inconceivably excited, energised and full of the hope, then next day I was gripped by anxiety that was crippling. The next day I was sitting in my wardrobe rocking and crying unable to be comforted. I was diagnosed with a major mental health condition and my life was derailed. I spent the following decade lost. I attracted despair, confusion and discomfort constantly. I could find no way out. Just when I thought I'd hit rock bottom I sunk lower.
Fast forward a few years to the awakening.....
Have you experienced your awakening? For me this is when I was given some information that made perfect sense. This insight was divine. It changed my life, my view point, my lens. This information led to more information, meditation and reflection that all provided precise clarity about life, purpose and hopeful directions. I started having moments of epiphany where I thought new thoughts that completely made sense, brought me comfort and a new way of seeing the world. Gratitude points and reflections took over my thinking. Unconscious and conscious minds merged and I formed new belief systems. I found value in myself that I had never glimpsed before. My life spun full throttle into new directions and abundance.
Due to this miraculous experience of knowing and awareness I have developed my psychotherapy approach to enable others to experience this direction, hope and joyfulness that can come through positive psychology approaches.
Have you felt stuck? Lets move forward together
Are your thoughts repetitive? Let's open the doors to creativity
Is your health failing you? Try new strategies that work with energy and flow to bring wellness
Do you feel dissatisfied at times? Create a new seemingly unreachable ceiling in your life
Reach out via email or phone to chat about the possibilities for you.
I look forward to adding to your journey and assisting you to dream new previously unimaginable directions.