Dr Britt Couchman
Book a session with Britt to manifest your dreams into reality. Britt offers a space to cocreate hope, joy and direction. Britt is a psychotherapist who practices in positive psychology to assist people to understand their potential and to achieve their best life. In sessions there is time for healing, processing and re-energising. We will highlight toxic energy and be able to expel it for increased wellness. Britt has been practicing as a psychotherapist for a number of years has specialised in assisting those who are neurodivergent. This means that she understands people who have complex patterns of thinking and may be quite vulnerable within society.
Britt can help with ADHD, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, depression, phobias and eating disorders.
This service offers a chance to change, improve, reinvent or get to know yourself better. Often we will start by setting goals and that can assist with raising your vibrational level so that you can achieve flow within life to glide through life full of purpose and satisfaction. These session are future focused and driven towards creating the new you that you strive to develop.
Your healing journey
Consider what it is that you are looking for from a therapist and share this list with Britt so that she can design your sessions to meet your standards and aspirations.